LegionsCon 2022!
Come take a look at what will be available for sale ONLINE and at the TABLE for LegionsCon 2022.
Blog posts

LadyTank Studios: War Harnesses and Aprons-Troll Edition
Time to kit out some of the largest figures in Mythic Legions by Four Horsemen Studios!
LadyTank Studio Products

Introducing: Team TankTour!
LadyTank Studios (Melissa Somerville and Kaitlyn Goodall) team up with DTour Customs (Stephan Delatour) to create a nod to an older Four Horsemen Studios line, 7th Kingdom!

Tosty Cosplay
Felicia Tost (pronounced Toast) answered the call and made LadyTank Studios a beautiful 1:1 Eathyron Helm!